AZ1066, Istiglaliyyat street 19, Baku, Azerbaijan

Decision No. 1, August 10, 2024






Baku, August 10, 2024                                                                                                  No. 1


The Commission on Combating Corruption of the Republic of Azerbaijan, guided by Articles 5, 9, 10, and 15 of the "Statute on the Commission on Combating Corruption of the Republic of Azerbaijan," approved by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 906-IIQ dated May 3, 2005, and based on discussions held at the meeting on August 10, 2024, adopts the following decisions:

  1. The speech of the Chairman of the Commission on the status of combating corruption and future tasks shall be taken into consideration, and necessary measures shall be taken to implement the provisions outlined in the speech.
  2. Reports on corruption offenses related to the regulation of relations concerning state-owned land plots shall be taken into consideration, and necessary measures shall be undertaken to enhance transparency in this area and eliminate circumstances fostering corruption.
  3. Efforts made regarding the recommendations of international organizations specializing in combating corruption shall be deemed satisfactory, and measures shall continue to implement the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO).
  4. Relevant state authorities shall be recommended to submit information to the Secretariat of the Commission regarding the actions taken to implement GRECO’s recommendations by September 1, 2024.
  5. The draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Approval of the Internal Regulations of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan," "On the Constitutional Court," and "On the Statute of the Commission on Combating Corruption of the Republic of Azerbaijan" shall be considered expedient.
  6. The work plan of the Commission for the second half of 2024 shall be approved (attached).
  7. Mr. Tabriz Elshan oghlu Musayev, Chief Advisor of the Department for Work with Law Enforcement Agencies of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, shall be appointed as the Secretary of the Commission.
  8. The Secretary of the Commission, Mr. Tabriz Elshan oghlu Musayev, shall be added to the delegation representing the Republic of Azerbaijan at GRECO, and the organization shall be informed accordingly.
  9. The Secretary of the Commission, Mr. Tabriz Elshan oglu Musayev, and Advisor of the Secretariat of the Commission, Mr. Bayram Tofig oghlu Orujov, shall be added to the delegation representing the Republic of Azerbaijan at events held within the framework of the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the organization shall be informed accordingly.
  10. The list of government experts for the Republic of Azerbaijan participating in the second cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) shall be approved, and the Secretary of the Commission, Mr. Tabriz Elshan oghlu Musayev, shall be appointed as the focal point. The organization shall be informed accordingly (list attached).
  11. Working groups shall be established for the assessment of corruption risks and monitoring of state programs on combating corruption.
  12. Information regarding the meeting of the Commission on August 10, 2024, shall be published in the media.
  13. The Secretariat of the Commission shall address the issues arising from this Decision.
  14. This Decision shall enter into force on the date of signing.


Chairman of the Commission
on Combating Corruption
of the Republic of Azerbaijan                                                                

Samir Nuriyev