AZ1066, Istiglaliyyat street 19, Baku, Azerbaijan

A competition is announced for the selection of members for the working groups of the Commission on Combating Corruption of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In accordance with the Regulation "On the Commission on Combating Corruption of the Republic of Azerbaijan" approved by Law No. 906-IIQ of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 3, 2005, and the Rules approved by Decision No. 1 of the Commission dated February 6, 2025, the Secretariat of the Commission (hereinafter – Secretariat) announces a competition for the selection of representatives of non-governmental organizations (hereinafter – NGOs), media entities, and the private sector, as well as independent experts, to the working groups of the Commission.

The competition is held to complete the composition of the following working groups:


Names of Working Groups

Activity Areas

Working Group on Legislative Improvement

- Drafting normative legal acts; - Providing opinions on draft normative legal acts and other issues submitted to the working group by the Secretariat; - Providing information on theoretical aspects and international examples of issues to be discussed at the Commission’s meetings upon the request of the Secretariat; - Further improving the country's position in international rankings in the field of combating corruption and transparency, based on the Secretariat's request or on the working group's own initiative, as well as providing proposals on existing problems in this area and ways to solve them; - Reviewing and providing opinions on responses prepared by bodies (institutions) to inquiries from international organizations specialized in combating corruption or other international rating agencies.

Working Group on Combating the Legalization of Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism

- Analyzing the implementation status of state programs on combating corruption and assessing their efficiency and effectiveness; - Providing information on theoretical aspects and international examples of issues to be discussed at the Commission’s meetings upon the request of the Secretariat; - Further improving the country's position in international rankings in the field of combating corruption and transparency, based on the Secretariat's request or on the working group's own initiative, as well as providing proposals on existing problems in this area and ways to solve them; - Reviewing and providing opinions on responses prepared by bodies (institutions) to inquiries from international organizations specialized in combating corruption or other international rating agencies.

Working Group on Education and Awareness-Raising

- Participating in awareness-raising activities in the field of combating corruption through training, courses, publications, promotional materials, and other methods, and providing recommendations; - Providing information on theoretical aspects and international examples of issues to be discussed at the Commission’s meetings upon the request of the Secretariat; - Further improving the country's position in international rankings in the field of combating corruption and transparency, based on the Secretariat's request or on the working group's own initiative, as well as providing proposals on existing problems in this area and ways to solve them; - Reviewing and providing opinions on responses prepared by bodies (institutions) to inquiries from international organizations specialized in combating corruption or other international rating agencies.

Working Group on Corruption Risk Assessment

- Developing a methodology for assessing corruption risks in government agencies and identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risks in various sectors and proposing necessary measures; - Providing information on theoretical aspects and international examples of issues to be discussed at the Commission’s meetings upon the request of the Secretariat.

Working Group on Monitoring the Implementation of State Programs on Combating Corruption

- Analyzing the implementation status of state programs on combating corruption and assessing their efficiency and effectiveness; - Providing information on theoretical aspects and international examples of issues to be discussed at the Commission’s meetings upon the request of the Secretariat; - Further improving the country's position in international rankings in the field of combating corruption and transparency, based on the Secretariat's request or on the working group's own initiative, as well as providing proposals on existing problems in this area and ways to solve them; - Reviewing and providing opinions on responses prepared by bodies (institutions) to inquiries from international organizations specialized in combating corruption or other international rating agencies.

Eligibility Criteria for Participation in the Competition

Candidates will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Application Procedure

Required Documents for Private Sector Representatives and Independent Experts:

Required Documents for NGOs and Media Entities:

Submission of Applications

Applications will be accepted until March 15, 2025, via email at

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Secretariat of the Commission, and the results will be announced accordingly.